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February 11, 2005

Citrus Hash

Recipe: Citrus Hash

1/3 lb lean hamburger
1 potato, peeled and diced
1/4 red onion, diced
1/3 lb egg noodles, cooked
splash of wine (optional)
1 key lime
1 clementine
salt, pepper to taste

- Brown hamburger, salt to taste. Drain if necessary.
- Add diced potato, salt slightly and brown.
- Add red onion and saute until cooked.
- Add juice of lime and clementine and wine if desired.
- Serve over egg noodles.

Whoever gave me a license to cook clearly did not understand the consequences of their actions - such as the potential for me to create something as bizarre as this. I have to admit that sometimes I have an excellent idea of what I will make, but other times I just start with a few ingredients that I think might work together and then grab whatever's hanging around to finish it off. This originally was going to be some kind of curry dish, but that went out the window as soon as I saw the bottle of wine in my room which had just a tiny bit remaining and begged to be cooked with. The wine turned out to be completely covered by the other flavors, however, mostly since I have no experience whatsoever with cooking with wine. Still, this was one blend of flavors I had never experienced before. The sweetness of the juices definitely contrasted with the saltiness of the potatoes.

Feel free to make suggestions for improvements!

Posted by kgutwin at February 11, 2005 09:00 PM

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Yikes - the mind boggles. You, sir, should be hanged by your apron strings. Yes, there are some suggestions I would make. There are flavor "pairs" or "trios" that work well together. You can certainly create new ones, but sticking with the old favorites makes variations more predictable.
I am also puzzled by your lack of interest in the biochemical nature of cooking. Wine, citrus, vinegar all have specific effects on the overall flavor (duh) due to some things in their chemistry. I know this by experience and can intuit the effects, but you sir should be able to predict the effects with much more clarity.

Posted by: Paul Gutwin at February 12, 2005 10:31 AM

Karl, your joie de cuisine is something to behold. I say, be adventuresome, take risks, learn from your mistakes and keep the spirit of discovery alive. Whisk on!!!

Posted by: Beth at February 14, 2005 11:32 PM