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February 08, 2005

During a quick break

Just taking a break during my Bioinformatics class... Today has been lots of fun. I woke up bright and early, but for some reason I think I'm getting more tired as time goes on. I'm definitely following an 8hr/night sleep schedule, but maybe I need more than 8hrs of sleep per night. I'm sure that I'll manage... Maybe I'll make up the time this weekend.

We have a mouse in the house! After I took a shower, got dressed and was working on my reading, I heard funny noises coming from the direction of my closed door. When I looked over I saw a little brown shape skitting around my jacket which was hanging on the back of my door! It was pretty distracting as I was trying to get my work done this morning. He eventually left my room and headed to the kitchen... Obviously we didn't have a trap so we couldn't really do anything about it. I asked my mom to send down a trap; hopefully it will arrive before he eats all our food.

I woke up this morning to a text message from Becca saying that it was a snow day today in Amman! Can you believe it... A snow day in the middle of the desert :) of course, I'm sure that any snow in the desert would shut down that city. So I didn't get to chat with her this morning because she can only get internet access at her university. I really miss her but I'm so glad that I got her text message early so that I didn't spend hours waiting for her to get in touch with me. If she gets to go to school tomorrow I'll get to talk to her then...

For some reason it feels really hard to judge how much work I have. I haven't really gotten into the 'working' groove yet this semester, and despite a one-page review due Wednesday, I haven't been able to get my rear in gear very much. I'm sure it'll work out soon enough but this is a pretty standard worry that I have each semester. Onward...

Sent from: Karl Gutwin

Posted by kgutwin at February 8, 2005 02:45 PM

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