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February 18, 2005

Postcards from Jordan

I got my postcard from Becca today! I guessed it would arrive yesterday, and was mildly disappointed to come home and see nothing yesterday... but it was in my mailbox today :) It's really fun... a picture of Amman and the Roman Theatre there (calling it 'ruins' just isn't fair - it's in really good shape, especially for thousands of years!) and a fun story about Arabic lessons and the city on the other side. The card is postmarked the 7th of February which means it only takes a week and a half for airmail to arrive - pretty neat :)

Not only that, but she's been on a trip this weekend, and she's been sending me little text messages as she goes along. They're like instant postcards, without the pictures of course, but so nice nonetheless. It's a little crazy knowing she's out there having fun and I have to stay back here and mope around... but it's my goal to have less moping and more working. After all, daydreaming won't get me through this semester in one piece.

Posted by kgutwin at February 18, 2005 08:39 PM

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