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February 25, 2005

Revenge of the Blog People

Library Journal - Revenge of the Blog People!

I just thought this would be a funny thing to post to my blog... a bit ironic because the article really is a diatribe against blogs. Read it and think about it for some moments.

Personally I can't provide too much opinion on the matter. The only 'blog' I ever read regularly is Slashdot, and that doesn't really count. Well, maybe it does - after all, it presents news in a fashion tailored to the culture that created and supports it. It doesn't encourage me to go out and do my own research, to analyze much in depth, but rather I skim and consume, which is perfectly fine by me because most of the stuff that appears there has little effect on me in total. To me, it exists for 90% entertainment value and 10% actual important stuff.

Meanwhile, I know that my blog exists only to broadcast my life to my friends and family. There's no critical news analysis here, and no pretention either - I'm not trying to save the world by a groundbreaking announcement, I'm just saying silly stuff like what I ate for dinner last night. Someday I'll mention why I think it's important for me to do this stuff... not today, though, I have other things to do.

Posted by kgutwin at February 25, 2005 07:33 AM

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I read that piece, and was puzzled - I couldn't figure out what the author of the article said that was so provocative, what his detractors wrote to him, or what his general point was other than "gee, there are people out there unlike me". All in, it seemed kind of silly.
I’m not sure why you were categorizing your blog as not containing anything groundbreaking – it does in the sense we can’t get news of your life any place else (including talking with you on the phone ;-).

Posted by: Paul Gutwin at February 26, 2005 07:18 PM

The trick to finding out what is going on in Karl's world is to ask a lot of leading questions. It takes a lot of work, but eventually you will get the hang of it. Although, reading the blog is a lot easier. :)

Posted by: Rebecca at February 28, 2005 07:38 AM