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February 07, 2005

Sleep schedule update

I just have a few things to say about my little experiment in sleep schedule adjustment:

* It seems to be working pretty well so far. The past two days I've woken up at 5 am and suffered no ill effects. It is pretty nice to get up and to be almost the only person awake. Plus, with so much time in the morning, I never have to worry about the shower being taken!

* When I tell people I'm trying this, they always look at me like I'm from Mars. Come on, people, it isn't that weird. Ok, so maybe it's not 'normal', but who wants to be normal anyway? Besides, I know that I'm getting a full night's rest, which is more than I can say when I don't keep my bedtime strict and go to bed at 2am and wake up at 8am. It's totally natural, too. I go to bed when it's dark, and I wake up... Ok, so it's dark when I wake up too. But my alarm clock turns my bedside light on in the morning so it's not like I wake up to a pitch black room. But this way I get to watch the sunrise every morning - how could you beat that?

* I got to chat with Becca this morning! How cool is that? For nearly 45 minutes, we talked about fun and random stuff. This, plus chatting with her briefly before church yesterday, and reading a nice email, this I could get used to... :)

Ok, and now for a tiny bit more work before time to make lunch and then head to lab. Life is so much fun :)

Sent from: Karl Gutwin

Posted by kgutwin at February 7, 2005 08:30 AM

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We are on your schedule! You're not weird, just a couple of decades early! It's a great schedule - you don't miss much at night and gain quality time in the a.m. when you're fresh and before you're bombarded by the world.

What a relief that Becca came up for air. We were becoming concerned -- for you, not her!

No recipes lately - are you eating? Sometimes lovesick people forget ...

Posted by: Beth at February 7, 2005 09:01 PM