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February 09, 2005

So tired... must post...

In case you haven't noticed, I'm aiming for at least one post per day. Mostly because I know that if I start slacking off, I'll never get back to it. Also, though, it's not like a day ever goes by without anything at all interesting happening. There's always something to report.

Let's see... so what actually happened today... I got to chat with Becca this morning - not once, but twice! It was positively crazy - but so much fun... it's great to hear that she's doing well. A lot of what she told me is already on her blog, so you can go over there to read it.

What else... class was fun, I had a short writing assignment which I finished up this morning. I didn't actually spend much time in lab, mostly because I wanted to stay home this morning and relax and get my work done. I'm beginning to think that waking up at 5am is a little early, because I'm getting more and more tired. I think actually that I need more than eight hours of sleep per night! That's not too surprising since people's sleep needs vary quite a bit. We'll see what happens... but talking with Becca in the morning is just too valuable to give up :)

Um, had an idea about measuring aggregate power line fluctuations with a simple small 100:1 stepdown transformer plugged into a computer's sound card. Maybe I can scavenge one of those from my dead psu. Do continuous fft, save fft result and any frame which is significantly uncorrelated to the mean.

Ok, not much else to report... I just have to dash off an email to Becca and then it's bedtime for me. Goodnight!

Posted by kgutwin at February 9, 2005 09:24 PM

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Odd - why would you think if you stopped posting at some point, you wouldn't start? Are you like a machine where the laws of mechanics apply, or a living entity dynamically modifying your environment?
If you built a thing to measure power line fluctuations, you would be about the 1x10^12'th geek to do so...

Posted by: Paul Gutwin at February 12, 2005 10:40 AM