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February 12, 2005

Some Good News, some Bad News

The Good news:
- I got to chat with Becca today! Pretty much unexpected... but she had escaped her house and managed to visit an internet cafe after taking a trip to the local mall. We chatted for just about two hours... probably the most that I've communicated with her since she left. Not much has happened with either of us, so it wasn't very substantial, but it is just so nice to know that she's there.

- I cleaned up my room today! My room tends to get messy. Pretty messy. That, plus the rug that I have does an exceptionally poor job of hiding any dirt... a good thing since it makes me vacuum more often. By the way, when I was vacuuming, apparently the folks living below me didn't appreciate it since they were banging on their ceiling. I say deal with it, there's nothing wrong with doing some vacuuming at 4:00 on a Saturday afternoon. If it was 3am it would be different, but unless they're willing to come over and vacuum at a time that is convenient for them, they'll just have to put up with it for a few minutes.

- I also replaced the power supply in my other computer... something that I've needed to do for a while but didn't actually do it until my dad sent me a PSU that was intended to replace my first dead one. It didn't fit, though, so I ordered a new one (like I mentioned) and put this one in my other computer. Straightforward... always a little frustrating when it doesn't start up the first time, but it usually gets fixed in the end.

The Bad news:
- surprise, surprise, I never got around to doing what I really needed to do today... my homework, mostly. I think I have the time now to pay my bills and update my financial program, if I get this post done quick. But, truth be told, I needed to clean up my room before I did anything else - it's just that I wasted a whole lot of time otherwise. This, plus the fact that my new sleeping schedule actually gives me less time during the week to get my work done, is just going to make this next week more difficult.

Here goes...

Posted by kgutwin at February 12, 2005 08:20 PM

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