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February 19, 2005


I have managed to finish the day not feeling like it was a waste! It took some pretty heavy duty restrictions, though. I knew I was going to be on the computer all day, working on a programming problem for my parallel computing class, and so I just did my very best to avoid goofing off on the web.

The web has got to be the biggest time waster ever invented. I can't imagine how productive I would be if I didn't spend hours looking at useless web sites. The problem is that it's just so interesting... and it's not like I can see something and then say, "no, I won't look into that now, I'll save it for later..." because I'm interested in it now! Instant gratification, instant time wastage. Sometimes I learn interesting stuff but the majority of the time I just look at random news that will never really be related to me.

For some people, the big time waster is AIM. I don't have that problem because I hardly ever chat with anyone online. It's just the way it goes, I guess... I'm not complaining though because if people did bug me online, I don't know how I would ever get anything done seeing as how I already waste time surfing the web.

Goodnight, folks, it's past my bedtime and maybe, just maybe, I'll chat with Becca tomorrow :)

Posted by kgutwin at February 19, 2005 09:06 PM

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i'm glad to hear that you can assess your time and how it's spent. I don't think you have an addictive personality (like someone else we know and love...), but we all can get our lives off balance. At least you're thinking!
I'm thinking I don't remember you talking much about exercising or sporting for a long time! My business thrives on those who don't have enough exercise in their life!!! Of course, it also gets good business from those having fun and slip up :)

Posted by: sharon at February 20, 2005 04:11 PM