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February 13, 2005

Sunday Fun

Lots of work today... Well, as best as I could. I'm nearly done my bioinformatics problem set - I pretty much just have to read another paper, write two paragraphs and type up the rest... Oh, and finish writing a little script, but that's almost done. Apart from that, right now all I have is to read three papers for my biochem class which normally meets Wednesday but this week meets Thursday! Yay, an extra day to get my work done...

I just jumped out of Trader Joe's where I was picking up ingredients to make chili tonight. Maybe if you're lucky I'll post the recipe that I used... Of course, that in no way implies that I will be using a recipe ;) Hopefully I'll be done tonight at a reasonable hour. Last night I went to bed at eleven which is just way too late, especially for waking up at five.

Sent from: Karl Gutwin

Posted by kgutwin at February 13, 2005 07:55 PM

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I can't believe that you just said 11:00 is too late for you! Weren't you the one who was up with me until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning at home over break? I'm very impressed that you have changed your sleeping schedule so dramatically.

Speaking of recipes, if you have any really good inexpensive vegetarian ones, they would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully I'll be able to cook sometime next week! I'm very hungry for something yummy.

Posted by: Rebecca at February 14, 2005 12:56 PM