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February 05, 2005

The solution to Traffic Jams

Over in Jordan, they've got the right idea:

Letters to the Editor - The Jordan Times

Needles and jams

Where is the traffic police? Where are the people within the municipality who decided that the best place to have the "Cultural Street", resulting in single lane traffic, in Shmeisani? Have any of them seen the horrific traffic jams that have become a daily occurrence?

You would have to see it to believe it: cars backed up and honking, angry and frustrated drivers on every street in the Shemisani network. God help anyone who might have an emergency (or an appointment); the possibility of surviving the up to 30-minute wait to get out of the area is absolutely nil.

I have found my own solution to deal with the problem and I would advise the "powers to be" to advocate the same for other frustrated drivers in the area.

The answer is knitting! I take mine along with me and sometimes I am able to knit a whole scarf while waiting for the jam to unsnarl. If drivers are supplied with yarn and knitting needles they will knit instead of honk and those responsible for the mess can forget about correcting the problem. Simple isn't it?

Karen Asfour,

Posted by kgutwin at February 5, 2005 05:59 PM

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» A Note About Traffic from Camels for Breakfast
So there are two things I found interesting abouta href="http://www.jordantimes.com/sun/letters/letters1.htm">this article: First, I know where Shmeisani is! This is very satisfying because I feel very lost sometimes in a huge city. My 13year old host ... [Read More]

Tracked on February 6, 2005 04:35 AM