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March 11, 2005

A Breakdown in the System

Tonight I decided I was going to cook something nice and tasty. I don't get the chance too often, especially during the week, just because of my schedule. But tonight I had nothing to worry about so I figured I'd give it a shot.

Usually my meal planning process begins with identifying the key ingredient that I'm going to use. Tonight it was some hamburger that I had bought a few days ago and had frozen. While I was defrosting that, I started brainstorming... and quickly came to realize that what I really wanted to make was some chili or chili-like stuff. There was one problem, however. I had no tomatoes. Now, I had a can of black beans, and a can of kidney beans, plenty of potatoes, rice and pasta if I needed it, an onion, spices... but no tomatoes. No celery, peppers or carrots either but that could be forgiven. Tomatoes, though, are a key ingredient in chili.

Of course, you might ask, why didn't I just go out and buy what I needed? I just didn't feel like it. Mostly because I had other stuff I wanted to do this evening and didn't want to spend a half hour shopping, an hour or more cooking, a half hour eating and then bedtime. So instead I fried the hamburger as a patty and had a valient attempt at a tasty meal with some Indian and Middle eastern flavors. It just wasn't the same, though.

The moral of the story? Always have a can of tomatoes handy.

Posted by kgutwin at March 11, 2005 07:42 PM

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