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March 27, 2005

Back in Boston

Safe and sound. No trip troubles at all... just a minor concern about gas mileage which leaves a lot open-ended. I suppose it's inevitable that something in that cantankerous box will break again but it's anyone's guess what and when that will be.

It's nice to be back. Break was fun and I was sad to see it go but at the same time there's lots of stuff to be done here. Plus coming back here means that I can resume my daily routine which is clearly easier here than it is at home :) I never really realized how important it is just to have the light turn on in the morning when it's dark out!

I finally got my W-2 from Brandeis - judging by all the marks and stamps on it, it definitely went through quite an ordeal in order to arrive here. It has at least three postmarks on it - Boston, Burlington and Williston... my address printed in, written on and crossed out with stamps that say MOVED, LEFT NO ADDRESS. It must have gotten to Williston, my mom wrote "Please Fwd" on it as well as a new address, but someone somewhere got confused and returned it to sender, where it finally arrived over a month later back at Brandeis (judging by the "Received Mar 09 2005 Controller's Office" stamp). I knew I hadn't received this form so I faxed Brandeis a Duplicate W-2 Request form last Thursday but they must have noticed my returned-to-sender W-2 and just put it in a brown envelope and mailed it straight away to my apartment here. Finally. Uh, woo hoo, now I can do my taxes? :-/

Clean up, dishes and long awaited bedtime. By the way, Rebecca Collins is the sweetest girl ever. Just so you know. :)

Posted by kgutwin at March 27, 2005 07:54 PM

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