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March 30, 2005

Books etc.

Oh man, there was something funny I was going to write about but I've forgotten it now...

So now that my project is done I can tell you all about it :) I'm always trying to think of ways I can send Becca little pieces of home even when she's far away. Of course it's really tough since it costs about $0.80 an ounce to send mail there, and then it takes a few weeks... Well, a little while ago I put together a package for her and mailed it off. In it I included a CD with some music that I've been listening to so that she could listen to some of my music. I also got out my microphone and recorded a little bit of my voice on the CD so she could listen to me without all the sketchiness of our phone conversations. But getting out that microphone gave me an idea - and a after a week later, and many hours spent, that idea was finished.

I recorded my own audiobook and burned it onto a small CD which fits in an envelope. The book is "The Secret Adversary" by Agatha Christie and is a great story about a young man and woman who have lots of adventures figuring out a mystery. The story is 28 chapters and just over 8 hours long. I am certainly no voice actor but I did my best to read in an interesting style, without any accents, really, because I'm awful at doing accents. It's recorded as MP3s so it'll play on your iPod, my car CD player and (of course) Becca's portable CD player. Oh yeah - and it's completely unedited, mostly because I didn't have the time!

Now that it's done and she's received it and is enjoying it, I offer it to the rest of you if you're interested in listening to me read for eight hours. If you have an iPod I will send you the compressed files; otherwise, I can burn you a set of CDs that can play in any CD player -- it'll be about 7 CDs worth! Just send me an email.

Oh right, I remembered what was funny... I got a piece of junk mail today advertising (no joke) the "University of Maryland University College" -- I guess just in case you didn't get the hint, they're a University... or a College... who knows :) They want to invite me to "take my career to the next level" by choosing from a bunch of graduate programs like Master of Science in E-Commerce or of course, Master of Science in Biotechnology Studies. I can gain "education and clout" and "boost [my] marketability and staying power--not to mention [my] earning potential." I guess they didn't get the memo that I'm already enrolled in a graduate program, thankyouverymuch... one which will probably increase my earning potential a bit more than they can offer. Oh well.


Posted by kgutwin at March 30, 2005 09:55 PM

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This project is one of the coolest things I have received in the mail so far! I am somewhere around chapter 11 and so far it is very interesting. It is a lot of fun to listen to even if it does make me homesick to listen to you voice. :)

Posted by: Rebecca at April 3, 2005 09:09 AM