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March 17, 2005

Easter Meat

Some days are straightforward... other days are fun... sometimes it's just weird :) Today was a long day. Up at 6am to study for my exam, studying on the train, lab, exam, then class and more lab, oops, forgot to have dinner, chorus, long ride home and then hang out and have a Guinness with the roommates.

But what really surprised me was the package I got! I love it when packages arrive that I don't expect. This one was from my mom (with the "Vermont makes it special" sticker on it) and contained one pound of beef jerky along with a very sweet Easter card and some bank information. The card said that she thought that rather than having Easter candy, I'd rather have meat :) So now I have a pound of Easter meat. Which is beef, not bunny, just in case you were wondering...

On a side note, the car which has been parked in the Blockbuster parking TOW ZONE NO PARKING for several weeks is finally gone. Who knows whether they just didn't tow the car or whether there was something involved with the store owners... my car's pretty safe where it is, though. It's just surprising how long that car was there. I've definitely seen tow trucks driving through there, and once in a while they get a car... good thing I can safely park on the street. I checked up on my car today and all appears well. Just so long as nobody put a car bomb on it... just kidding :)

Posted by kgutwin at March 17, 2005 10:25 PM

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