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March 28, 2005

Still Tired

Why am I still tired? I thought I got plenty of sleep over break... I had somewhat of a tough time last night because I was kept awake by my roommates and their friends, but I didn't think that it would be that big of a problem. Now 9:00 is rolling around again and I'm ready to head to bed.

I need to start working again. Break was lots of fun and very very relaxing but I have papers to read and a review to write by Wednesday. Fortunately I have no other immediate assignments but I see there's a bioinformatics problem set due next week... I would get started on it but it hasn't even been posted yet, never mind that we haven't learned any of the material for it :)

The days go by so quickly. It seems like my life is so full of anticipation I'm constantly distracted from the present. Some people might think you ought only to look to the future but I think every once in a while it's good to take a look at the present. At least that way you won't miss out on things quite so easily.

I've noticed that it's much easier to post to my blog when I'm the most relaxed. When I was busy the week before break, and even when I was home "relaxing", I was just far too distracted to be able to put anything reasonable up. Now I can sit at my computer and just type for a few minutes and be satisfied. Folks tell me they enjoy reading this stuff even though it all seems perfectly banal to me. Well, I try to enjoy posting it as much as you enjoy reading it...

Today was a very gray day, lots and lots of rain. I'm sure many folks were frustrated by the rain but I took the time to appreciate it. I only wish that I could open the window in lab... I would have loved to hear the rain softly falling. Spring is coming, which isn't all bad.

Posted by kgutwin at March 28, 2005 08:51 PM

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I do very much enjoy keeping up with your life - experiences, thoughts, pictures... thanks

Posted by: mom at March 30, 2005 08:19 PM