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March 12, 2005

The Day

Not much happened today.

Had to decide whether to get dressed this morning or stay in my pajamas. I knew I wasn't going anywhere today - which wasn't really a bad thing. Decided to get dressed but wore a shirt normally reserved for pajama use anyway. Did not put on socks all day.

Lots of work on my programming homework. Trying to puzzle this algorithm out is slow going. There's probably a more efficient way to do it but I don't know it... so I stare at a piece of paper with a bunch of numbers on it and pretend I'm a computer. Pretty easy to do. Computers are pretty dumb.

Meals were uninspired. The crowning glory of the day was a frying pan of potatoes and a hamburger patty chopped into chunks, cooked together and doused in mesquite marinade. Too lazy to even chop up part of an onion, which would have made ten times the difference.

The bright part of the day was working on a project for Becca. I'll keep it secret now but you all will know soon enough. Lots of fun, very creative... I know she'll love it.

Goodnight everybody... church tomorrow and dinner in the North End with MIT recruits!

Posted by kgutwin at March 12, 2005 09:10 PM

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Oooh a project for me? Ha, I know what it is and no one else does!

I think that your project time should actually be spent on making yourself food. If you waste away then you won't have energy to make me stuff. :) No, you just need to keep yourself healthy!

Oh, and I love the part about the socks. But wern't your feet cold? I hear it is still winter on your side of the planet. . .

Posted by: Rebecca at March 13, 2005 09:29 AM