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March 10, 2005

Topic for Discussion

Here, in brief (cause it's late):

I was thinking about a news story I read in the Jordan Times a while ago (sorry, reference is gone) about how Iraqis were not in favor of Saturday being a holiday because it is a "Jewish" holiday. That got me wondering about why, in Middle Eastern nations, or Arabic nations, or just "over there somewhere", people feel like it's okay to hate a group of people and teach that hate to those around them.

Now of course nobody is immune to this and I can come up with five examples immediately about how we Americans have been prone to blind hate in the past and present. But it seems to me that at least here, there's a drive to end hate, to be tolerant and loving - not only in Christian but in secular terms also.

So why is this kind of public hate so prevalent? Is it acceptable? Is it merely a 'phase' which will someday be overcome with love, or is this hate rooted deeper?

Feel free to comment. I'll summarize and add my own thoughts in a few days.

Posted by kgutwin at March 10, 2005 10:52 PM

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A big question of mine also! I am not content just knowing the Biblical history of this discord, nor am I satisfied in any of the pat answers I have ever been given. It's clear that we are in some sort of spiritual battle, individually and collectively and we are all capable and regularily serve up hurt and healing to others in some combination. With the drive we are born with, to focus on ourselves and what we want (and often claim to "need") - we often hurt others to get that fullfilment. Why do we think of our family more important than others? I have often thought when I watch parents treat their children differently than other children, why is it? Aren't all children (as ALL people) basically the same in deserving of love and good things? I think a lot of the trouble between nations is a lot like family "love". People will put themselves and their families above others. I have felt this in my own life going thru divorce. One division is all it takes for a cascade of divisions. Sides are formed where allegences gravitate. And another trait of being human adds fuel to the fire when what's easily seen as "wrong" is more on the outside than within.
If we could only see each other without the manmade divisions in all their parts - we would see as God sees and then love could prevail.
I think individuals have moments of clarity and like a muscle - it can get stonger with practice. But when people (and whole nations) focus mostly on what they want and how others hurt them - they don't have a chance this side of eternity to truly experience love. And that is sad...and that applies to all of us...

Posted by: mom at March 11, 2005 09:37 PM