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April 10, 2005

Been So Busy

Hey all... well, all who's left - I'm sure I've cast off what readership I had remaining at this point. Yes, I know it's been a long time since I've posted. And believe me, I wish I could take the time to do fun stuff like post to this blog... but let me just take a moment to summarize the past week or two:


Yeah, yeah, we all know and we all get busy. I guess it's just that I never feel like it's ok to take a break, even if it's a really short break. I might have mentioned before that I operate in one of two modes: either laid-back, I have plenty of time, it'll all get done... or panicked, I have no time, damage control I gotta work as hard as possible. I've been in that second mode for the past week - and it's certainly been justified as I was up until midnight at least twice the past week. It's been a little easier now because I'm between rotations and the homework has let up a little bit... but I know it'll crunch even harder in another week, and even harder up to the end of the semester.

If I ever get the chance I'll post to Science Corner. I really really want to, and I actually have the answers to my father's questions, I just haven't had time to write them up in an amusing fashion. Plus I have another half-finished Science Corner article which is waiting for me to spend a few moments on it... it's tough though because you would think I would even have some time to work on it on the train, but many times I can't get a seat on the train and typing while standing on a moving train is tough :)

All I can say is stay tuned. Believe me, nobody wants me to take a break more than myself...

Posted by kgutwin at April 10, 2005 07:20 PM

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What's up with this whole work overload thing? You and Anna both are struggling through the semester, while it's just starting to get rather boring for me. I guess it's that whole only-three-courses-and-no-job-or-crew thing... :-P We'll have some fun this summer, though!

Posted by: Rebecca (sister) at April 11, 2005 08:01 AM

Karl - your readership hasn't changed, and is unlikely to change. We stuck with you when you felt you had to post every day - we'll stick with you when you miss a week (or two). It's called affection.
Please mark down your sisters comments and play them back next year. I know she'll appreciate the reminder.
Thank you for taking my questions seriously. There have been some comments here at the Condo indicating a certain level of humor relating to my inquiries. One cannot be ashamed of one's interests, despite the ridicule of ones' pears.

Posted by: Paul Gutwin at April 11, 2005 09:13 PM

I KNOW you have a faithful readership and tonight I am glad to come back to your blog without tons to catch up on - like your sisters :). And your break will come... hang tough

Posted by: mom at April 14, 2005 12:40 AM