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April 24, 2005

Slowing Down

Yeah... my posts are slowing down, slower, slower... I don't know - for some reason, now, having a public journal just doesn't sound all that enthralling to me. It's hard for me to have an excuse to post (tonight I'm only posting because I feel like I ought to, and because I'd rather be doing anything other than my homework) and even when I might have the time, it's hard for me to come up with fun things to talk about.

Let's see, what should I mention?

I fixed my umbrella, again, for what has to be the fifth time. This thing just won't stop breaking but the way it breaks is just too easy for me to keep fixing. Basically the plastic cap at the very top of the umbrella broke off a while ago and I have had various fixes and replacements for it, involving tape, screws, glue, then finally a new, bigger cap and a bigger screw... but this past time the screw came out again! Well, nothing left to do but to JB-weld it. Ayup, that's right, JB-weld works wonders. Well, at least on an umbrella.

I have a concert this Friday. Well, we're only performing one song which is kinda wacky. Our real concert is next Saturday. Here, though, they make the guys wear tuxedos so I had to go out and get decked out. I didn't buy a tuxedo jacket because the jacket I have now is pretty good already and a used tuxedo jacket is at least $60. Other than that, I have all the authentic parts, complete with cheap cuff links. Now I'm all dressed up and I just need somewhere to go...

Another audiobook is in the works, even though Becca's CD player is giving her trouble. She's going to try to clean it which I hope will fix it because it would be kinda silly to spend the time to record an audiobook and have her not be able to listen to it. The title will be withheld until it's finished, which with any luck will be sometime soon.

Lab has been fun although I spent all day Friday doing the same experiment over and over. It's cool that things are working although not quite like we expected but I suppose that's what makes it interesting. It is pretty neat that I'm able to do more and more of this stuff by myself. Maybe by the end I'll be doing it all by myself but for now I'm still basically doing what this guy tells me to do.

We'll leave it there for now. It's been pleasantly rainy here for the past few days and overall things are cheery :)

Posted by kgutwin at April 24, 2005 09:49 PM

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