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April 05, 2005

What a great day

What a great day
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Wouldn't it just be the best day for a sail? I can see a couple of little orange buoys (ahem, MARKS) out on the river that they must have been using for racing practice. The wind's blowing pretty well today, must be a warm front coming through.

Too bad I'll be cooped up in class all day. High of 60 degrees, man, it really is spring.

Sent from: Karl Gutwin

Posted by kgutwin at April 5, 2005 12:55 PM

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Karl, This seems like a good time to warn you that it's only a matter of time before someone at MIT waxes eloquent about the glories of Tech Dinghies (designed by an MIT'er, of which they're very proud) and asks if you'd like to go out in one. I highly recommend it if you are eager to get a sense of what it would be like to set sail in your bathtub. And if you wish to identify your frustration tolerance threshhold, I recommend participating in a Tech Dinghy *race*!! It will do the trick, guaranteed.

No offense to MIT -- I know you guys are really smart and all -- but I feel that for me to withhold this warning and allow you to happen upon this experience unwittingly would be downright immoral.

That said, it would be fun to get out on the Charles! I hope you find a way when the weather warms up ... meanwhile, Happy Spring!

Posted by: Beth at April 5, 2005 08:35 PM